I was never victim of Capers antics, but always came within a few inches of death. Some of my favorite moments are when (as mentioned already) calling out a road hazard and hitting it, Me pointing out something in advance and he still hits it. I still think the one person who got it the worst was Dustin, who Capers break checked over one of the higher wooden bridges at Six Mile, and Dustin took a pretty good fall because of it. I wasn’t part of that ride but man, That dude is crazy.

Sick ass weather for a BBQ today. Almost too warm. Summer like. I prefer the 60’s-70’s.
A nice ice cold Coca-Cola would have hit the spot today, but I resisted. A burger and a dog will suffice.

I wanted to get out again after work today, making it 9 days in a row for me. I forget what my longest length of riding is. Anyway, I wasn’t doing anything special. More along the lines of spinning my legs out for from yesterday. Felt good to spin along. The first 2 minutes we head out and it starts raining. This is a sunshower, but man, this sucks. It started and we debated on bailing, but I felt that this was going to pass. About 2 minutes later, it stops and the roads are dry. Good call.

We spin around for the first 20 minutes and my legs are starting to feel nice. I tell Mandi (who recently started uploading her rides to Strava) that Colonial Park West was a segment. She did Insanity before our ride, so I wasn’t sure if she was going to take the bait. We make the turn and she takes off. I on the other hand, enjoy the false flat downhill and sniff the roses.

That road: http://app.strava.com/activities/48214816#844378917

We don’t know this until after, but she beats my time. WTF! I actually tried to hammer this section before and she got me. The rest of the ride is uneventful. She takes the lead and I just draft and enjoy the free ride all the way home. Drafting Mandi still has some effect, but I still feel the wind on my face :)

Hanging at home with the little nephew man and he tires everyone out. He also is becoming a face grabber; when he wants to get put down, he just grabs your face and tries to piss you off. It works. Then he gets mad. Suck it up kid.

Thursday Morning
One thing that is really starting to suck for me is allergies. What I thought was allergies was just me (and Mandi) being sick. Which is kinda good I guess, but man. I think I sneezed 7 times in a row. I found that Benadryl (why does this forum think Benadryl is misspelled? I actually thought I spelt it wrong) stops some of these symptoms, but then I’m kind of drifting throughout the day. Hoping that spring hasn’t sprung up in Cambridge. I don’t sneeze or have itchy eyes when I’m on my bike. I’m also sure when I’m on the verge of throwing up, my body won’t be reacting to allergies. I haven’t gotten to the point where I just want to hide inside, so I guess that is good. The rain is helping out too.

Not sure if I should have my bike looked over one more time before the weekend, but everything seems to work fine. Doesn’t miss gears, has new brake pads, etc. I think I’m just going to let it fly.


Capers antics equal:


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